Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Marathon Training Week 1

Week 1 Schedule: 
Monday - rest
Tuesday - 3 miles easy
Wednesday - 5 miles hills
Thursday - rest
Friday - 5 miles easy
Saturday - 3 miles easy
Sunday - 9 miles

I thought I'd give you quick update on my marathon training. I completed week ONE of my schedule. Only 15 more weeks to go and if they're anything like how this first week went, it's going to be tough. I can't even imagine running 26.2 miles.

On a positive note, I managed to get through all of the miles and scheduled workouts. In fact, I went over the scheduled miles and 'ran' 27.

I was doing pretty well with everything until we got to the weekend. Weekends are tough for me to work in a run. I know this already so really what I need to do is re-work this schedule so all the longer and tougher work outs are done during the week. I'll try to do that this week. 

The other thing that was really, really tough was my long run. Normally long runs are not a problem for me but  I haven't run long in a while and this 10 miler on Sunday was the worst. I did a couple of stupid things. First, I ran later in the morning than I planned. It was incredibly hot and it just zapped my energy. Additionally, don't ask me why but I chose a super hilly run for this first long run. I got to the first big hill and felt defeated. I walked up the hill and the next hill and the next hill. You get the gist. Oh well... I still got in the mileage and I guess I can use this as a baseline and try the same route again in 4-6 weeks.

On to week 2!

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