Monday, June 11, 2012

Inspiration: Under Armour

Today I’m taking the blog in a slightly different direction – and writing on one of my favorite topics…things that inspire me.  Having a source of inspiration in my life is very important  - I don’t think I realized just how important until realizing that I hadn’t felt inspired in a long time. Let me caveat that statement by saying there are likely always sources of inspiration around me – but perhaps I just fail to notice given my mindset on a particular day.

When I’m not inspired, life feels flat and I’m simply not motivated….everything just feels well, sort of hum drum. But when I am inspired, it gives me a jolt like a cup of coffee and makes me want to live my life more fully. I want to get up and do things, I want to try something new, I want to figure out how to make myself a better person.

I recognize that inspiration and that act of being inspired is quite personal. For me, I feel it when I see the beautiful colors in a Rothko painting. I’m inspired watching a person who does something really well… and it could be as simple as meticulously organizing their master bedroom closet.  I am inspired when I hear someone’s life story about their ability to overcome a tragedy and not let it define them. In essence, there are so many things inspire me and I love being surrounded by it.

So let met tell you what inspired me this week. Under Armour – the sportswear and athletic brand. They’ve launched a new social media challenge called, ‘Taking it Back’, aimed at redefining the female athlete. An online community has been created - it's designed to help women reach physical goals through a series of training challenges. This is a ten week challenge and it’s too late for me to join, but I’ll watch these ladies and admire their perseverance and dedication to showing the world what it means to be a female athlete and... beautiful.

Watch this video below. These women kick butt. It will surely make you proud to watch this generation of strong athletic women and probably inspire you to hit the gym. 


  1. thanks for sharing the video clip. Yes, you are right: makes me want to raise the bar on my work out.
    I liked what you said about inspiration giving you the the kick to reach higher and try something new.
    Inspiration gives us the aspiration for a new possibility. Without it, we most likely get stuck in the rut.
